Results for 'M. Neal Sue'

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  1. Due process and property : what process due?Amanda M. Olejarski & Sue M. Neal - 2020 - In Nicole M. Elias & Amanda M. Olejarski, Ethics for contemporary bureaucrats: navigating constitutional crossroads. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  2. Conclusion : where the Constitution can lead us.M. Elias Nicole, M. Olejarski Amanda & M. Neal Sue - 2020 - In Nicole M. Elias & Amanda M. Olejarski, Ethics for contemporary bureaucrats: navigating constitutional crossroads. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Attitude towards family planning.M. Neal Edwards - 1964 - The Eugenics Review 56 (1):43.
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  4. Medical journals' conflicts of interest in the publication of book reviews.Ronald M. Davis, Anne Victoria Neale & Joseph C. Monsur - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (4):471-483.
    The purpose of the study was to assess medical journals’ conflicts of interest in the publication of book reviews. We examined book reviews published in 1999, 2000, and 2001 in five leading medical journals: Annals of Internal Medicine, British Medical Journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, and New England Journal of Medicine. The main outcome measure was journal publication of reviews of books that had been published by the journal’s own publisher, that had been edited or authored by (...)
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    Backward recall with compound stimuli.Robert K. Young, Jonelle M. Farrow, Sue Seitz & Mary Hays - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (2):241.
  6. Bad Apples In Bad Barrels Revisited.Neal M. Ashkanasy, Carolyn A. Windsor & Linda K. Treviño - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):449-473.
    In this study, we test the interactive effect on ethical decision-making of (1) personal characteristics, and (2) personal expectanciesbased on perceptions of organizational rewards and punishments. Personal characteristics studied were cognitive moral developmentand belief in a just world. Using an in-basket simulation, we found that exposure to reward system information influenced managers’ outcome expectancies. Further, outcome expectancies and belief in a just world interacted with managers’ cognitive moral development to influence managers’ ethical decision-making. In particular, low-cognitive moral development managers who (...)
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    Business Ethics Perspectives: Faculty Plagiarism and Fraud. [REVIEW]Teressa L. Elliott, Linda M. Marquis & Catherine S. Neal - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (1):91-99.
    Faculty plagiarism and fraud are widely documented occurrences but little analysis has been conducted. This article addresses the question of why faculty plagiarism and fraud occurs and suggests approaches on how to develop an environment where faculty misconduct is socially inappropriate. The authors review relevant literature, primarily in business ethics and student cheating, developing action steps that could be applied to higher education. Based upon research in these areas, the authors posit some actions that would be appropriate in higher education (...)
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    Current Emotion Research in Organizational Behavior.Neal M. Ashkanasy & Ronald H. Humphrey - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (2):214-224.
    Despite a long period of neglect, research on emotion in organizational behavior has developed into a major field over the past 15 years, and is now seen to be part of an affective revolution in the organization sciences. In this article, we review current research on emotion in the organizational behavior field based on five levels of analysis: within person, between persons, dyadic interactions, leadership and teams, and organization-wide. Specific topics we cover include affective events theory, state and trait affect (...)
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  9.  52
    Secondary reinforcement in rats as a function of information value and reliability of the stimulus.M. David Egger & Neal E. Miller - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (2):97.
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    Partnering With Patients to Bridge Gaps in Consent for Acute Care Research.Neal W. Dickert, Amanda Michelle Bernard, JoAnne M. Brabson, Rodney J. Hunter, Regina McLemore, Andrea R. Mitchell, Stephen Palmer, Barbara Reed, Michele Riedford, Raymond T. Simpson, Candace D. Speight, Tracie Steadman & Rebecca D. Pentz - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):7-17.
    Clinical trials for acute conditions such as myocardial infarction and stroke pose challenges related to informed consent due to time limitations, stress, and severe illness. Consent processes shou...
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    Predictors of ethical code use and ethical tolerance in the public sector.Neal M. Ashkanasy, Sarah Falkus & Victor J. Callan - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (3):237 - 253.
    This paper reports the results of a survey of ethical attitudes, values, and propensities in public sector employees in Australia. It was expected that demographic variables, personal values, and contextual variables at the individual level, and group- and organisational-level values would predict use of formal codes of ethics and ethical tolerance (tolerance of unethical behaviour). Useable data were received from 500 respondents selected at random across public sector organisations in a single Australian state. Results supported the study hypotheses, but indicated (...)
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    The Politics of Masculinity and the Ex-Gay Movement.Sue E. Spivey & Christine M. Robinson - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (5):650-675.
    The purpose of this research is to investigate the masculinity politics of the ex-gay movement, a loose-knit network of religious, scientific, and political organizations that advocates change for homosexuals. Guided by Risman's gender structure theory, the authors analyze the individual, interactional, and institutional dimensions of gender in ex-gay discourses. The authors employ critical discourse analysis of representative ex-gay texts to deconstruct the movement's gender ideology and to discuss the social implications of its masculinity politics. They argue that gender is one (...)
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    Managers’ Restorative Versus Punitive Responses to Employee Wrongdoing: A Qualitative Investigation.Nathan Robert Neale, Kenneth D. Butterfield, Jerry Goodstein & Thomas M. Tripp - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (3):603-625.
    A growing body of literature has examined managers’ use of restorative practices in the workplace. However, little is currently known about why managers use restorative practices as opposed to alternative responses. We employed a qualitative interview technique to develop an inductive model of managers’ restorative versus punitive response in the context of employee wrongdoing. The findings reveal a set of key motivating and moderating influences on the manager’s decision to respond to wrongdoing in a restorative versus punitive manner. The findings (...)
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  14.  12
    Connectionist learning of belief networks.Radford M. Neal - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 56 (1):71-113.
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    Factitious Illness: An Exploration in Ethics.Neal Jay Meropol, Charles V. Ford & Richard M. Zaner - 1985 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 28 (2):269-281.
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    Old Testament Law and Economic Society.Neal M. Soss - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (3):323.
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  17. Language as a window on rationality.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & William M. Fields - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds, Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
  18.  38
    Hypatia's Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers (review).Sue M. Weinberg - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):164-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers ed. by Linda Lopez McAllisterSue M. WeinbergLinda Lopez McAllister, editor. Hypatia’s Daughters: Fifteen Hundred Years of Women Philosophers. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996. Pp. xiv + 345. Cloth, $49.95. Paper, $22.50.Hypatia: born in the fourth century A.D.: philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, teacher; brutally murdered in Alexandria in 415 A.D—whether for holding religious views regarded as heretical or because she (...)
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    Realist Christian theology in a postmodern age.Sue M. Patterson - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book cuts new ground in bringing together traditional Christian theological perspectives on truth and reality with a contemporary philosophical view of the place of language in both divine and wordly reality. Patterson seeks to reconcile the requirements that Christian theology should both take account of postmodern insights concerning the inextricability of language and world as well as taking God's truth to be absolute for all reality. Yet it is not simply about theological language and truth as such. Instead Patterson (...)
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  20.  25
    The Future of Collaborative Human-Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making for Mission Planning.Sue E. Kase, Chou P. Hung, Tomer Krayzman, James Z. Hare, B. Christopher Rinderspacher & Simon M. Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In an increasingly complex military operating environment, next generation wargaming platforms can reduce risk, decrease operating costs, and improve overall outcomes. Novel Artificial Intelligence enabled wargaming approaches, based on software platforms with multimodal interaction and visualization capacity, are essential to provide the decision-making flexibility and adaptability required to meet current and emerging realities of warfighting. We highlight three areas of development for future warfighter-machine interfaces: AI-directed decisional guidance, computationally informed decision-making, and realistic representations of decision spaces. Progress in these areas (...)
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    It's all about relationships: Developing nurse‐led primary health care in rural communities.Sue Randall, Debra M. Jones, Giti Hadaddan, Danielle White & Rochelle Einboden - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12674.
    The role of nurses in leading the design and delivery of primary health care services to address health inequities is growing in prominence, specifically in rural Australia. However, limited evidence exists to inform nurse‐led primary health care in this context. Based on a focus group with nursing executives and semi‐structured interviews with registered nurses we describe nurse experiences of leading the design of a primary health care service in rural Australia and nurse transition to and practice in this service. Nurse (...)
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    Kant’s Ideality of Genius.Robert J. M. Neal - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (3):351-360.
    : To say that a work of fine art is beautiful because it has been produced by a genius introduces a determinate concept precluding a judgment of the work’s beauty by way of a pure judgment of taste. What Kant in fact proposes is that we judge a work to be the product of genius as a consequence of our judgment of its beauty. As Kant explains in KU §58, when we judge the beautiful in fine art it is the (...)
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  23. Atoms and Monads: An Inquiry Into the Idea of Nature in Locke's "Essay" and Leibniz's "New Essays".Sue M. Weinberg - 1985 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    A matter of significance for the history of philosophy is the question of what are the issues that underlie Leibniz's response to Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, in his own New Essays on Human Understanding. Exploration of that question can contribute to interpretations of both Locke and Leibniz. Equally important, it can provide insight into problems of philosophy that have their genesis in the seventeenth century. ;The dissertation uses the Essay and the New Essays to explore what it regards as (...)
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    Word, words and world: how a Wittgensteinian perspective on metaphor-making reveals the theo-logic of reality.Sue M. Patterson - 2013 - Oxford: Peter Lang.
    Engaging Ludwig Wittgenstein as 'philosophical hand-maid' (as opposed to 'metaphysical gate-keeper'), this book subjects to critique both traditional realist and post-modern constructivist perspectives as it examines how the nature and role of metaphor-making at the creative edge of language casts light on the God-language-world relationship.
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    Visual memory as indicated by latency of recognition for normal and reversed letters.M. H. Kellicutt, Theodore E. Parks, Neal E. Kroll & Philip M. Salzberg - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):387.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Partnering with Patients to Bridge Gaps in Consent for Acute Care Research”.Neal W. Dickert, A. Michelle Bernard, JoAnne M. Brabson, Rodney J. Hunter, Regina McLemore, Andrea R. Mitchell, Stephen Palmer, Barbara Reed, Michele Riedford, Raymond T. Simpson, Candace D. Speight, Tracie Steadman & Rebecca D. Pentz - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):W12-W13.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page W12-W13.
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    Effects of irrelevant color changes on speed of visual recognition following short retention intervals.Neal E. Kroll, M. H. Kellicutt, Raymond W. Berrian & Alan F. Kreisler - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (1):97.
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    John Locke: Drafts for the "Essay Concerning Human Understanding" and Other Philosophical Writings.Sue M. Weinberg - 1992 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 30 (3):459-461.
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    (1 other version)(Re)visioning the Self Through Art.Sue Ellen Henry & Joseph M. Verica - 2015 - Educational Studies 51 (2):153-167.
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    Personal epistemology in pre-service teachers: belief changes throughout a teacher education course.Sue Walker, Joanne M. Brownlee, Beryl E. Exley, Annette Woods & Chrystal Whiteford - 2011 - In Jo Brownlee, Gregory J. Schraw & Donna Berthelsen, Personal epistemology and teacher education. New York: Routledge.
  31.  20
    Listening-Based Communication Ability in Adults With Hearing Loss: A Scoping Review of Existing Measures.Katie Neal, Catherine M. McMahon, Sarah E. Hughes & Isabelle Boisvert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionHearing loss in adults has a pervasive impact on health and well-being. Its effects on everyday listening and communication can directly influence participation across multiple spheres of life. These impacts, however, remain poorly assessed within clinical settings. Whilst various tests and questionnaires that measure listening and communication abilities are available, there is a lack of consensus about which measures assess the factors that are most relevant to optimising auditory rehabilitation. This study aimed to map current measures used in published studies (...)
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    The Utility of a Brief Web-Based Prevention Intervention as a Universal Approach for Risky Alcohol Use in College Students: Evidence of Moderation by Family History.Zoe E. Neale, Jessica E. Salvatore, Megan E. Cooke, Jeanne E. Savage, Fazil Aliev, Kristen K. Donovan, Linda C. Hancock & Danielle M. Dick - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Linguistically mediated tool use and exchange by chimpanzees.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & Sally Boysen - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):539-554.
  34.  40
    Gendered Pathways Toward STEM Careers: The Incremental Roles of Work Value Profiles Above Academic Task Values.Jiesi Guo, Jacquelynne Sue Eccles, Florencia M. Sortheix & Katariina Salmela-Aro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Does experience matter? Implications for community consultation for research in emergency settings.Victoria M. Scicluna, Mohammed K. Ali, Rebecca D. Pentz, David W. Wright & Neal W. Dickert - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (2):75-81.
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    Effects of conditioned appetitive stimuli on the acquisition and extinction of a runway response.Robert C. Bolles, Neal E. Grossen, George E. Hargrave & Perry M. Duncan - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (1):138.
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    Low risk research using routinely collected identifiable health information without informed consent: encounters with the Patient Information Advisory Group.C. Metcalfe, R. M. Martin, S. Noble, J. A. Lane, F. C. Hamdy, D. E. Neal & J. L. Donovan - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):37-40.
    Current UK legislation is impacting upon the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of medical record-based research aimed at benefiting the NHS and the public heath. Whereas previous commentators have focused on the Data Protection Act 1998, the Health and Social Care Act 2001 is the key legislation for public health researchers wishing to access medical records without written consent. The Act requires researchers to apply to the Patient Information Advisory Group for permission to access medical records without written permission. We present a (...)
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    Accessing the Inaccessible: Redefining Play as a Spectrum.Jennifer M. Zosh, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Emily J. Hopkins, Hanne Jensen, Claire Liu, Dave Neale, S. Lynneth Solis & David Whitebread - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Multicultural Quality of Life Index: presentation and validation.Juan E. Mezzich, Neal L. Cohen, Maria A. Ruiperez, Claudio E. M. Banzato & Maria I. Zapata-Vega - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):357-364.
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    Retroactive effect of phonemic similarity on short-term recall of visual and auditory stimuli.Philip M. Salzerg, T. E. Parks, Neal E. Kroll & Stanley R. Parkinson - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 91 (1):43.
  41.  38
    Inner-City Healthcare and Higher Education.Barbara M. Carranti, Rev Msgr Neal Quartier, Christopher P. Morley & S. J. Marina - 2010 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 7 (1):115-130.
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    Persistence of visual memory as indicated by decision time in a matching task.Theodore E. Parks, Neal E. Kroll, Philip M. Salzberg & Stanley R. Parkinson - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (3):437.
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    Plasma oxytocin explains individual differences in neural substrates of social perception.Katie Lancaster, C. Sue Carter, Hossein Pournajafi-Nazarloo, Themistoclis Karaoli, Travis S. Lillard, Allison Jack, John M. Davis, James P. Morris & Jessica J. Connelly - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  44. Can a theory-Laden observation test the theory?A. Franklin, M. Anderson, D. Brock, S. Coleman, J. Downing, A. Gruvander, J. Lilly, J. Neal, D. Peterson, M. Price, R. Rice, L. Smith, S. Speirer & D. Toering - 1989 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40 (2):229-231.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Sue Ellen Henry, Edmund Short, Ernestine K. Enomoto, Rita S. Saslaw, Wayne J. Urban, Donald Vandenberg, Malcolm B. Campbell, Jayne R. Beilke & Jacqueline M. Griesdorn - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (2):123-163.
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    Sarah's problems of comprehension.E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & Sally Boysen - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (4):555-557.
  47.  12
    And a child.Duane M. Rumbaugh & E. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - 1996 - In B. Velichkovsky & Duane M. Rumbaugh, Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of Language. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 257.
  48. The Philosophers' Brief in Support of Happy's Appeal.Gary Comstock, Sue Donaldson, Andrew Fenton, Tyler M. John, L. Syd M. Johnson, Robert C. Jones, Will Kymlicka, Letitia M. Meynell, Nathan Nobis, David M. Peña-Guzmán, James Rocha, Bernard Rollin, Jeff Sebo & Adam Shriver - 2021 - New York State Appellate Court.
    We submit this brief in support of the Nonhuman Rights Project’s efforts to secure habeas corpus relief for the elephant named Happy. The Supreme Court, Bronx County, declined to grant habeas corpus relief and order Happy’s transfer to an elephant sanctuary, relying, in part, on previous decisions that denied habeas relief for the NhRP’s chimpanzee clients, Kiko and Tommy. Those decisions use incompatible conceptions of ‘person’ which, when properly understood, are either philosophically inadequate or, in fact, compatible with Happy’s personhood.
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    Public Health in Court: Who's to Judge?Robert M. Pestronk, Jeffrey Heffelfinger, V. Sue Shields & Linda L. Chezem - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (S4):47-49.
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    Chimpanzees and protolanguage.Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Duane M. Rumbaugh & Sally Boysen - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):396-397.
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